Pakistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is a country in South Asia. It is the world's fifth-most populous country, with a population of almost 227 million, and has the world's second-largest Muslim population. Pakistan is the 33rd-largest country by area, spanning 881,913 square kilometres (340,509 square miles).(Source: DBpedia)
熱帯農業地域における国別研究問題とその背景 : 第1部
大野芳和, 石原修二, 牛膓英夫, 尾和尚人, 濱村邦夫, 池田俊彌, 宮重俊一, 国際農林水産業研究センター研究資料. 3 , 1- 107 ( )
researchdoc3-_1-107.pdf21.3 MB

総合討論 (第14回熱帯農業専門分野別研究会--地球の砂漠化・塩類化を考える)
, 熱帯農研集報. 74 , 63- 67 ( )

総合討論 (熱帯における水稲2期作化に伴う病害虫対策に関する研究(平成2年度熱帯農業試験研究推進会議研究推進部会))
, 熱帯農研集報. 73 , 128- 131 ( )
Genetic diversity and landrace differentiation of Mungbean, VIGNA RADIATA (L.) Wilczek, and evaluation of its wild relatives (The subgenus CERATOTROPIS) as breeding materials
Norihiko Tomooka, Technical bulletin of the Tropical Agriculture Research Center. 28 , 1- 69 ( )
techtarc28-_1-69.pdf14.05 MB
乾燥地農業の研究事情調査報告書 : シリア・パキスタン・インド
岩田文男, 笹野伸治, 長野間宏, 熱研資料. 68 ( )
nekken_shiryo68-_-.pdf19.16 MB
Announcement : Awardees and Commendation Ceremony Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers 2014
- Place
The AKIHABARA Convention Hall, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Location: DAIBIRU, 2F, Sotokanda 1-18-13, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. For easy access, please visit the following website.