Effect of Spear Removal on ABA Levels in Adjacent Buds of Asparagus Spears

JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
ISSN 00213551
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) AA0068709X

Effect of spear removal by cutting on abscisic acid (ABA) level in buds of asparagus spears was investigated. ABA level in buds was determined by an enzymelinked immunosorbent assay after a pre-purification procedure. ABA level in F-buds which included the buds adjacent to stems of cladophylls or spears drastically decreased to 38.0% of the control level at 12 hr after cutting and reached the minimal ABA level of 10.6% of the control at 48 hr after cutting. On the other hand, F-buds started to elongate just 12 hr after cutting and then grew to over 40 mm height in 72 hr. ABA level in S-buds which included the remaining buds also decreased after cutting although no significant elongation of S-buds was observed. Thus, it is assumed that the ABA level in buds drastically decreased by a stimulus or stress of cutting before the buds started to grow.

作成者 Masaji KOSHIOKA Toshikazu UESUGI Takaaki NISHIJIMA Hiroko YAMAZAKI
国立情報学研究所メタデータ主題語彙集(資源タイプ) Journal Article
開始ページ 237
終了ページ 241
言語 eng
