Current status of the rural economy and measures for vitalizing it and increasing farmers' income in Indonesia: development of substantial Gedong Gincu mango plantations in West Java

JIRCAS international symposium series
ISSN 13406108
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) AA1100908X
The Indonesian population aged 15 years and over is about 61 million. Some 11.1 % of these people are working in agriculture, forestry and fishery (third rank), while about 19.5% are working in community, social and personal services (first rank). Most (70%) of them live in Java, about 15% in Sumatra, and the rest are spread out in Kalimantan (5%), Sulawesi (5%), and other islands (5%). The number of agricultural households, based on the agricultural census in 1993, is about 21.5 million; the largest number is in Java, followed by Sumatra. Agricultural labor is distributed among the crops and horticulture, livestock and fisheries subsectors. The largest number of people in agricultural labor is in the food crops and horticulture subsector, which employs over 25 million, or 84% of total agricultural labor.
The total land area of Indonesia is about 192 million hectares, much of it very suitable for agricultural production. The area of land used for agriculture is only up to 66 million hectares, due to constraints such as high slope, low fertility and peat land. Nevertheless, agriculture remains one of the most important sectors in Indonesia's economy. Most of the people of Indonesia still depend on agriculture and agro-industry, especially for their food supply. Also, the agricultural sector currently contributes significantly to national foreign exchange earnings.
The economic crisis which began in mid 1997 has increased the number of poor people in Indonesia. The poverty line increased by 50% for rural areas in 1996, compared with the figure in 1993. It was reported that the poverty line in rural areas in 1996 was at an income level of about 27,413 rupiahs per year. By the end of 1998, the number of poor people had risen to about 49.5 million (24.2% of the Indonesian population). The number fell slightly in 1999 (to 48.4 million, 67 .6% of them in rural areas), mostly concentrated in Java and Bali. In 1999, the poverty line was at 74,272 rupiahs in rural areas.
In 1997, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia prepared a project called Integrated Horticulture Development in Upland Areas, with the main objectives being: to increase farmers' income in rural areas and improve their welfare; to promote the development of agribusiness systems for horticulture commodities; and to contribute to rural development by creating growth areas. A small part of a trial project was carried out in three districts in West Java to develop a sizeable area of mango plantation. The area was selected on the basis of agronomic and agro-ecological characteristics. The results are reported here. Farmers were provided with certified planting materials and essential infrastructure, as well as intensive and integrated training programs focusing upon what needs to be done to produce high-quality fruits and to gain access to potential markets. The increase in farmers' income is expected through commercialization of their farming activities.
作成者 Made Sudiana Mahendra M. Suryadi Padmono N.
公開者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
開始ページ 49
終了ページ 52
言語 eng
