
ISSN 13406094
NII recode ID (NCID) AN10446728
Full text
Arid and semi-arid lands account for one third of all the lands on earth. Desertification is now prevailing and is occasionally linked to the decrease of rainfall due to climatic change. However, it is mainly linked to adverse human activities, i. e., excessive cultivation, over-grazing, deforestation and excessive consumption of water resources.
Wind erosion and agro-meteorological disasters are apt to occur frequently in the marginal agricultural regions of arid lands. There are various prevention methods against desertification. A practical prevertion technique is introduced as a case study of environmental control or meteorological improvement Turpan (China).
Meterological observations related to the improvement of climatic conditions in arid lands were carried out at the Turpan Desert Research Station, Xinjiang Iinstitute of Biology, Pedology and Desert Research located in the northwestern of post China from 1990 to 1992.
Alternative title Agro-meteorological improvement in arid lands
Date of issued
Creator 真木太一
Subject 乾燥地 防風林 気象改良 風食 砂漠 arid land windbreaks meteorological improvement desert wind erosion
Publisher 農林水産省国際農林水産業研究センター
Available Online
Type Conference Paper
Volume 2
spage 33
epage 43
Language jpn

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