Water balance has been studied in a 761 ha irrigation block in the Muda area, in fields characterized by an extremely flat topography with a gradient of 1/10,000 to 1/5,000, heavy clayey soil and long plot-to-plot irrigation (1.6 km as the standard). Water consumption amounted to 3,267 mm in total for two seasons, although it was originally designed for 2,193 mm. The increased water consumption was ascribed to the prolonged inundation period and increase in daily water consumption including evapotranspiration, seepage and percolation. Irrigation accounted for 56% of the water supply and precipitation for 44%. However precipitation still plays an important role in the presaturation in spite of the higher percentage of irrigation due to the low irrigation efficiency, i.e. only one fourth of the precipitation for the presaturation as the infrastructure is not sufficiently developed under the current field conditions.
Due to the tight water balance, Muda agriculture is facing a water shortage problem, resulting in unstable rice production. In order to improve this situation, the inundation period in the main field should be shortened through the construction of tertiary canals and farm roads at a density of approximately 25 m/ha which would enable each farm unit to gain direct access to the canal and road.