Pseudo-recombination of RNA Species of Cucumoviruses

Tropical agriculture research series : proceedings of a symposium on tropical agriculture researches
ISSN 03889386
NII recode ID (NCID) AA00870529
Full text

Among the viruses isolated in Japan, cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), soybean stunt virus (a soybean stunt strain of DMV), peanut stunt virus and chrysanthemum mild mottle virus belong to the cucumovirus group. All of these viruses contain four genomic RNA species (RNA!, RNA2, RNA3 and RNA4), and the three largest are necessary for infection. Pseudorecombinants (PRs) could be constructed either between these viruses or isolates of the same virus by exchange of RNA3. By comparing the properties among PRs and parents used, the determinant(s) of properties were Iocated in certain RNA species. Serological specificity and particle mobility were found to be determined by RNA3 of the cucumoviruses, while the symptoms on two plant species were determined by RNA1 +2. When fractionated RNA1 and RNA2 were exchanged between CMV isolates, symptoms on asparagus bean depended on RNA2.

Date of issued
Creator Kaoru Hanada
Publisher Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
Volume 19
spage 79
epage 85
Language eng

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