Chemical pesticides are powerful tools in the war against agricultural pests. A large arsenal of pesticides is now available in Malaysia. Excessive and indiscriminate use of pesticides on certain crops has led to several long-term problems. There are reports of adverse effects of pesticides on non target organisms, particularly on freshwater fish and natural enemies of agricultural pests. Significant levels of pesticides are present in leafy vegetables and rice grains. Accidental poisoning of man and his domestic animals is often attributed to poor storage, handling and labelling of pesticides. Several agricultural pests have developed genetic resistance to pesticides. Heavy application of broad-spectrum and long residual insecticides has resulted in pest resurgence and the outbreak of secondary pests. There is also the recent observation of adverse effects of excessive pesticide application on crop growth. To overcome these problems, several positive steps have been initiated by the government, research agencies and universities. These include the regulation of pesticide use through the Pesticide Act, education of farmers, and research into alternative pest control strategies. To solve the problems of pesticide use, the full cooperation of farmers, pesticide manufacturers and consumer groups is necessary.