Career Profiles

Opening Remarks
Kenji IIYAMA was awarded a Doctorate degree in Agriculture from the University of Tokyo
(Japan) and is a Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo, Japan. He is also an Adjunct
Professor of the Institute of Advanced Studies of the United Nations University. His basic
expertise was on forest products, and present interest is in global carbon circulation. He worked
at the University of Tokyo, Japan, and at CSIRO and La Trobe University in Australia. Curently,
he is the President of the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences.
Shinichi SHOGENJI is the Dean of the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the
University of Tokyo, the President of the Consumer Co-operative Institute of Japan, the
????esident of the Rural Planning Society of Japan and a member of the Science Council of Japan.
He has worked mainly in the fields of food economics and agricultural policy analysis. His
recent publications include Reconstruction of Japanese Agriculture, Iwanami Shoten, Publishers
(2008) and Policy Reform in Japanese Agro-Food Sectors, University of Tokyo Press (2006).
Keynote Lecture
Osamu KOYAMA graduated from the Faculty of Liberal Arts, University of Tokyo in 1979,
and joined the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries. From 1986 to 1993, he served as
an Econometrician at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome. His expertise is in
the area of food supply and demand analyses. Currently, he is the Director of the Research
Strategy Office, JIRCAS. Also, he serves as a Lecturer at the University of Tokyo.
Keynote Lecture 1
Maximo TORERO holds a Doctorate degree in Economics from the University of California at
Los Angeles (USA), is Division Director of the Markets, Trade and Institutions Division at the
International Food Policy Research Institution (IFPRI) and is a Professor of Economics of
Universidad del Pacifico in Peru. His expertise is in analyzing poverty, inequality, importance of
geography and assets (private or public) in explaining poverty, and in policies oriented towards
poverty alleviation based on the role played by infrastructure, institutions, and on how
technological breakthroughs (or discontinuities) can improve the welfare of households. He has
won twice the World Award for Outstanding Research on Development given by the Global
Development Network (GDN). ????He worked at the UCLA Institute for Social Science Research
(ISSR), University of Bonn and Group of Analysis for Development (GRADE).
Keynote Lecture 2
Takashi KUROSAKI (Ph.D., Stanford University, Food Research Institute, 1995) is currently a
Professor of Development Economics at the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi
University, Tokyo. He has been conducting both theoretical and empirical work from a
microeconomic perspective on questions of economic development. His recent research
includes empirical analysis of vulnerability, education investment, and labor allocation of rural
households in India and Pakistan.
General Explanation on the Three Sessions
Masuo ANDO holds a Doctorate degree in Agriculture from the University of Tokyo (Japan)
and is the Director of Development Research Division in JIRCAS. His basic expertise is in the
area of farm management study and present interest is developing the family farm and
vitalization of the rural areas especially in the least developed countries.
Session 1
Jun FURUYA ??holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) ??from the University of
Missouri-Columbia (U.S.A.). His major is A??ricultural Eonomics. He worked at the National
Agriculture Research Center (NARC) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
(MAFF). Currently, he is a Project Leader of the Japan International Research Center for
Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS).
William H. MEYERS is Co-Director, Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute and
Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of Missouri at Columbia. He holds a Ph??D?? in
Agricultural Economics from the University of Minnesota. His expertise is in trade and
agricultural policy, commodity market analysis, and transition economics. Prior to this
appointment, he was???? Professor of Economics at Iowa State University???????? more than 20 years
??????????irector, Agriculture and Economic Development Division of the FAO for 3 years.
Mikitaro SHOBAYASHI holds a Doctorate degree in Agriculture from the University of Tokyo
(Japan) and is a Professor of Gakushuin Women’s College in Tokyo. Before he joined
Gakushuin, he had been working for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, World
Bank, OECD and Shiga Prefecture Government, working on a wide variety of policy issues
ranging from water resources management and agr??-environmental policy to the trade
implication?? of multifunctionality of agriculture.
Session 2
Ryuichi YAMADA holds a Doctorate degree in Agricultural Sciences from Kyoto University
(Japan) and is now Senior Researcher in???????? Development Research Division of Japan International
Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS). His expertise is in the area of agricultural
econom??????. Previously, he did research on farming systems in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. He
is now doing research on diversification of farming in rural area of Laos.
Masami MIZUNO worked for the National Research Institute of Agricultural Economics,
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and is now a Professor in Rural Development
Studies, Department of International Development Studies, Faculty of Bioresource Sciences,
Nihon University, Kanagawa, Japan. He holds a Master’s degree in Social Anthropology from
the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK, and a Doctorate degree in Agricultural Sciences from
Kyoto University. His current academic interest lies in rural future of the developing societies.
John S. CALDWELL holds a ??octoral degree in Horticulture from Louis??ana State University,
United States. His expertise is the areas of farming systems, participatory methods, and
vegetable production. He has worked extensively in Southeast Asia and West Africa over the
past 40 years. He previously worked at Virginia Tech, United States. He is a past President of
the International Farming Systems Association and 2005 recipient of its award for Exceptional
Service and Commitment.
Werner ST?R is a German national who holds a Ph??D?? degree in Tropical Agriculture from the
University of Queensland, Australia. He is a forage and feeding systems specialist of the
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) based at the CIAT Regional Office for Asia
in Laos. His expertise is in the area of forage systems for smallholder farms in developing
countries. He previously worked for the University of New England and the University of
Queensland, Australia.
Session 3
1982 BS of Agricultural Economics from Hokkaido University
1984 MS of Agricultural Economics from ?????? University??????????????????
1986 National Agriculture Research Center, MAFF, Tsukuba
1989-91 JIRCAS expert assigned at UN ESCAP CGPRT Center, Bogor, Indonesia
1991-97 National Agriculture Research Center, Tsukuba
1997-2000 National Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, MAFF,Tokyo
2000-2003 Project Leader of El Nino Project, UN ESCAP CGPRT Center,
Bogor, Indonesia
2004-2007 National Agricultural Research Organization, Tsukuba
2007- Project Leader, Development Research Division, JIRCAS, Social Sciences Division,
Sushil PANDEY is a Senior Scientist, Agricultural Economics, and Program Leader, Rice
Policy Support and Impact Assessment for Rice Research. His research interests include risk
analysis, resource economics, pest management, farmer decision??making, and agricultural
development. He earned his B??S?? (1972) and M??A?? (1977) degrees from Tribhuvan University,
Nepal. He obtained his M??Ec?? (1981) and Ph??D?? (??gricultural ??conomics) (1987) from the
University of New England, Australia. Sushil Pandey was a postdoctoral fellow at the
University of Western Australia (1987-89) and a lecturer at the University of New England
(1989-92). Earlier, he was a research fellow and consultant at ICRISAT. He conducted an ex
post economic evaluation of irrigation projects for the Agricultural Projects Services Centre,
Nepal. Among his awards are two gold medals, Tribhuvan University; fellowship, Agricultural
Development Council for MEc studies; research scholarship for PhD work, University of New
England; and a research fellowship (postdoctoral), University of Western Australia.
From IRRI website
Yoshihiko NISHIMURA holds a Doctorate degree in Agriculture from the University of
Tsukuba, Japan . His area of specialization is in the farming systems of tropical developing
countries. He worked at JICA for about 28 years. In 1997, he moved from JICA to Nagoya
University as a Professor of International Development in the Graduate School of International
Development (GSID). He taught at GSID until recently when he took up another offer as a
professor of Tourism Sciences and Industrial Management at the Univerty of the Ryukyus.
Tomiko YAMAGUCHI is an Associate Professor of Sociology at International Christian
University (ICU), Tokyo, Japan. She holds a Doctorate degree in Sociology from the
Department of Sociology at Michigan State University, U.S. Her work concerns controversies
surrounding new food and agricultural technologies, wherein she examines the tensions among
the stakeholders and contradiction between the goals of assuring the integrity of the food supply
and minimizing the bio-safety impacts of these technologies on one hand, and the profit-making
goals of food and agricultural industries on the other.
General Discussion
Masuo ANDO
(See profile under General Explanation on the Three Sessions)
(See profile under Keynote Lecture)
Closing Remarks
Masami YASUNAKA holds a Doctorate degree in Agriculture from Kyushu University (Japan)
and is the current Vice President of JIRCAS. His basic expertise is earthquake-resistant design
of earth structures. He had been engaged in governmental planning work in agricultural research
in MAFF before coming to JIRCAS.
Date of issued | |
Publisher | Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences |
Available Online | |
Issue | 2009 |
spage | 157 |
epage | 161 |
Rights | Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences |
Language | eng |