Fisheries research in developing countries

In the coastal areas around Indonesia, the local fishers are engaged in various traditional fishing
activities, in unregulated manners, without any consensus of sustainability for fisheries resource
management. The living standard of local fi shers’ households is still at low level, due to the long-term trend
of the coastal stock decline. In order to stabilize the fi sheries production level and to improve the fi shing
activities for coastal communities, it is important to formulate a development model of fi shing communities
for the sustainable resource management through the introduction of appropriate fi shing technologies and
the organization of local fishers. In Japan, the set-net fishing has been traditionally controlled under the
community-based management system; so that, this “community-based set-net” is expected to be effective
on the economical empowerment of fi shing community and the environmental conservation of coastal fi shing
Our project aims to introduce the Japanese-type of set-net fi shing system, which effectively maintains
the fi sheries resources under the local fi shers’ consensus in coastal areas, to promote the cooperative works
among individual fi shers, to reduce the total fi shing effort and to develop the optimal fi shing ground use in
coastal communities. In addition, the formulation of group activities among local fi shers will effectively lead
the fi shing communities to stabilize their fi shing incomes and revitalize their social and economic activities,
through the improvement of marketing system and fi sh processing strategy. This project will be carried out
at the designated fi shing communities in Pallette village, Bone District; however, it can be also expected to
formulate an effective development model of coastal community for sustainable fi sheries and to disseminate
such a “community-based set-net fi shing” into other coastal communities around Indonesia.
Implementing organaization of this project is composed of
Japanese side:
- Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
- IC Net Limited
- Himi City
and Indonesian side:
- Pallette Fishers’ Association
- Department of Fisheries & Marine Affairs in Bone District Gov.
- National Bone Fisheries High School
- Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University
- National Steering Committee for Set-net, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Technical staff of Department of Fisheries and Marine Affairs, Bone District Government and teaching
staff of National Bone Fisheries High School can take the leading roles to supervise the Pallette Fishers’
Association, and to disseminate the community-based development model by the introduction of set-net
fi shing, through their positive participation of this project’s activities, under the academic cooperation given
by the Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, and the legislative supervision
by the National Steering Committee of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. Tokyo University of
Marine Science and Technology focuses on education and research in fi sheries and maritime fi elds and has
accomplished many technical and research cooperation with universities or institutes in developing countries. Through this project, the following outcomes are expected to be brought.
1) Local fi shers can establish the group activities to introduce the small-scale set-net at a proper fi shing
ground, for establishing the community-based sustainable fi sheries under the consensus of community.
2) Local fi shers’ group can manage the set-net fi shing operation, through their cooperative works for
constructing and maintaining the gear under the co-management manner.
3) Local fi shing community can establish the proper marketing channels for set-net catch, fresh or alive,
and can take initiatives for the fi sh processing products, in order to increase its profi tability through
the value-adding and preservation.
4) The profi t of set-net can be managed by the local fi sher’s group, through the deposit management to
establish the sustainable operation system, with the consideration of the profit sharing in the local
Date of issued | |
Creator | Osamu Baba |
Subject |
set-net community-based cooperative work sustainablity fisheries resource management |
Publisher | Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences |
Available Online | |
Issue | 2007 |
spage | 82 |
epage | 91 |
Rights | Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences |
Language | eng |