Dairy Cattle Feed Design Support Program Linked to Optimal Planting Plan for Self-Supplied Feed

Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
ISSN 00213551
NII recode ID (NCID) AA0068709X
Full text
Feed design for dairy cattle involves searching for the cheapest possible combination of feeds while considering the sufficiency and balance of Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN), Crude Protein (CP), Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), Ether Extract (EE), Dry Matter Intake (DMI), and fiber sufficiency and balance; however, this is not an easy task for those who are unfamiliar with mathematical programming and other numerical optimization methods. Commercial applications automate calculations but are not inexpensive. In addition, the amount of self-supplied feed was limited by the amount of cultivated land under management. Therefore, feed design, including contracts among dairy farmers, upland farmers, and self-supplied concentrate feed, is inseparable from planning self-supplied feed crops. The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) has released free feed design software; however, it does not consider a planting plan for self-supplied feed. Therefore, we developed a feed design support program for dairy cattle that calculates feed design and self-supplied feed planting plans by entering various prerequisites such as herd conditions and cultivated land area under management.
Date of issued
Creator Kazushi NISHIMURA
Subject Python application
Publisher Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
Received Date 2023-10-26
Accepted Date 2024-06-03
Available Online
Volume 59
Issue 1
spage 79
epage 87
DOI 10690/jarq.59.79
Language eng

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