Breeding and Agronomic Research on Lodging Resistance and Culm Strength of Japanese Wheat Cultivars

Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
ISSN 00213551
NII recode ID (NCID) AA0068709X
Full text

Here, Japanese wheat breeding and agronomic studies on lodging resistance, focusing on culm strength are discussed. In Japan, the selection of short-culm wheat varieties is preferred for breeding purposes to date due to their lodging resistance, whereas culm strength has only marginally improved. However, improving culm strength was suggested to help improve lodging resistance in short-culm varieties. Thus, among the 18 typical and predominant wheat varieties, “Yumechikara” showed maximum bending moment at the breaking of the basal internode and produced the strongest culm. Meanwhile, among other varieties that produced strong culms, some demonstrated considerable bending stress and medium section modulus, whereas some showed medium bending stress and large section modulus. Improved varieties with higher lodging resistance may be produced by crossbreeding of varieties with different levels of culm strength. Regarding the effects of crop management, decreased seeding rates resulted in shorter culm length and increased bending moment at the breaking point of the basal internode, which indicated higher lodging resistance. Therefore, low seeding rates may be suitable for heavily fertilized wheat crops, requiring high lodging resistance.

Date of issued
Creator Hiromi MATSUYAMA
Subject bending moment at breaking seeding rate
Publisher Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
Received Date 2021-10-22
Accepted Date 2022-01-05
Available Online
Volume 56
Issue 4
spage 303
epage 311
DOI 10.6090/jarq.56.303
Language eng

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