Diarrhea Caused by Enterococcus villorum in Piglets

Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
ISSN 00213551
NII recode ID (NCID) AA0068709X

Three of 10 piglets with watery diarrhea, aged 24, 21 and 22 days (cases 1, 2 and 3, respectively), were investigated in detail after euthanasia (as the remaining seven recovered without specific treatment). Enterococcal bacteria were isolated and multilocus sequence analysis showed 100% and 99% identity with the phenylalanyl tRNA synthase and RNA polymerase α subunit genes of strains of Enterococcus villorum, respectively. Histologically, severe epithelial desquamation, atrophy, and regeneration of ileal villi were observed in cases 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The number of bacteria was large in case 1, smaller in case 2, and sparse in case 3. These findings suggest that case 1 was at an earlier stage of enteropathy than case 2, and that case 3 was recovering. In case 1, the exfoliation of epithelial cells with many bacteria into the intestinal lumen was interpreted as a host reaction for eradicating marginally pathogenic enteroadherent bacteria. Folded smooth muscle cells and intact blood and lymphatic vessels in the atrophic lamina propria may have been linked to the rapid regeneration of villi.

Date of issued
Creator Yukiko TANIGUCHI Yukino TAMAMURA Yoshihiro WADA Ayumi KOBAYASHI Tomoyuki SHIBAHARA Yoshiharu ISHIKAWA Koichi KADOTA
Subject Desquamative enteropathy enteroadherent bacterium mucin immunohistochemistry
Publisher Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
Available Online
NII resource type vocabulary Journal Article
Volume 51
Issue 3
spage 287
epage 292
DOI 10.6090/jarq.51.287
Rights Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
Relation : J-STAGE
Language eng

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