Response of Winged Bean to Temperature and Photoperiod at Different Locations Distributed from the Tropics to the Temperate Zone

Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
ISSN 00213551
NII recode ID (NCID) AA0068709X
Full text

  To determine flowering response and pro­ ductivity of four Ishigaki-selections,  which were developed for low photoperiod-sensitivity in Ishigaki, a subtropical  island  of  Japan, these selections were grown at four locations distributed from  the  tropics  to  the  tem­ perate zone (Malaysia, lshigaki, Morioka, and Sapporo). For comparison, two tropical va­ rieties were used.
 In Sapporo ( 43°N), three fourths of seeds of lshigaki-2 germinated 35  days  after  sow­ ing at the mean  air  temperature  of  21.2° (17.4 25.6° ). A half of the emerged plants flowered under 15 16 hr of photoperiod, and one plant produced a pod.  Urizun  (lshigaki-1) germinated  too late (mid August) and no flowering occurred.
 In   Morioka (39°42'N), Urizun flowered 71 days after germination, under the photo­ period of 15.5 hr, and  produced edible: green pods (each heavier than 5 g) . Other selec­tions also flowered, but it was too late to produce edible green pods.
 In Ishigaki, Urizun flowered 65 days after germination, under the photoperiod of 14.2-
14.5 hr and produced about 43 green pods per plant. Ishigaki-3 and Ishigaki-4 took more than 10 days longer than Urizun for flowering, and Jess yield. The tropical varie­ ties, Tpt-2 and UPS-31 flowered very late (October), so that they can't be used as a summer vegetable. As their seed ripening proceeded in the cool season, their seed yield was rather high.
 In Malaysia, Urizun flowered earlier than any other varieties and its yield was about 40% higher than the tropical varieties, Tpt-2 and UPS-31.
 Thus, it was clearly indicated that Urizun has the lowest photoperiod sensitivity with the shortest basic vegetative growth period and high productivity. This variety can well be grown in Ishigaki and other subtropical areas as a summer vegetable.

Date of issued
Available Online
NII resource type vocabulary Journal Article
Volume 21
Issue 4
spage 308
epage 313
Language eng

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